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Installing Swerp

Swerp requires Python 3.6 or later to run.
Visit  Python’s download page  to download and install the latest version of Python 3 on your machine.
During installation, check  Add Python 3 to PATH , then click  Customize Installation and make sure that  pip  is checked.

Swerp uses PostgreSQL as database management system. Download and install PostgreSQL (supported version: 10.0 and later).

By default, the only user is postgres but Swerp forbids connecting as postgres, so you need to create a new PostgreSQL user:

  1. Add PostgreSQL’s bin directory (by default: C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\<version>\bin) to your PATH.
  2. Create a postgres user with a password using the pg admin gui:

    1. Open pgAdmin.
    2. Double-click the server to create a connection.
    3. Select Object ‣ Create ‣ Login/Group Role.
    4. Enter the username in the Role Name field (e.g. swerp).
    5. Open the Definition tab and enter the password (e.g. swerp), then click Save.
    6. Open the Privileges tab and switch Can login? to Yes and Create database?to Yes.

Before installing the dependencies, enable C++ compiler in your system.
Swerp dependencies are listed in the  requirements.txt  file located at the root of the Swerp directory.
Navigate to the path of your Swerp installation ( CommunityPath ) and run  pip  on the requirements file in a terminal  with Administrator privileges :

C:\>cd \SwerpPath
C:\> pip install setuptools wheel
C:\> pip install -r requirements.txt

For languages with right-to-left interface (such as Arabic or Hebrew), the package  rtlcss  is needed:

  1. Download and install nodejs.
  2. Install rtlcss:

    C:\> npm install -g rtlcss
  3. Edit the System Environment’s variable PATH to add the folder where rtlcss.cmd is located (typically: C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\npm).

Once all dependencies are set up, Swerp can be launched by running swerp-bin, the command-line interface of the server. It is located at the root of the Swerp directory.

A typical way to run the server would be:

C:\>cd SwerpPath/
C:\> python swerp-bin -r dbuser -w dbpassword --addons-path=addons -d mydb

Where CommunityPath is the path of the Swerp Community installation, dbuser is the PostgreSQL login, dbpassword is the PostgreSQL password and mydb is the default database to serve on localhost:8069. You can add other directory paths separated by a comma to addonsat the end of the addons-path option.